قول الإمام البخاری’’وقال بعض الناس‘‘:دراسۃ تحلیلۃ فی ضوء تراجم أبواب البخاری وکتاب الحیل

Imam al-Bukhari’s statement: ‘‘ ’’وقال بعض الناس: An analytical Study in the light of Tara’jim Abwab Al-Bukha’ry and Kita’b Al-Hiyal


  • Anwar Ul Haq Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra
  • Dr. Mursal Farman Associate Professor, Department of Seerat Studies, University of Peshawar



الكلمات المفتاحية:

Imam al Bukhari, statement, Tara’jim Abwab, Kita’b Al-Hiyal


Imam Bukhari's book Sahih Bukhari is considered to be the most authentic book after the Holy Quran. Imam Bukhari's jurisprudence is hidden in the titles of chapters of his book. Imam Bukhari uses a special phrase in his book and that is "Waqal Bihz Al-Nas". By this sentence he refutes those who are against the issue and hadiths mentioned by him. Since Imam Bukhari is a trustworthy person, the importance of his refutation or denial also increases. For this reason, his refutation and denial acquires a special place so some people tried to prove that the said phrase refers to Imam Abu Hanifa and his followers, although Imam Bukhari himself did not make it clear. Similarly,the nomination of  Imam Abu Hanifa and his followers is also without any argument and solid proof. In the lying article, it has been clarified that the method of Imam Bukhari and his meaning from the said sentence is indefinite and it has been stated that it is not logically correct to refer to any particular person or group by this sentence.




كيفية الاقتباس

Haq, A. U., & Farman, D. M. . (2022). قول الإمام البخاری’’وقال بعض الناس‘‘:دراسۃ تحلیلۃ فی ضوء تراجم أبواب البخاری وکتاب الحیل: Imam al-Bukhari’s statement: ‘‘ ’’وقال بعض الناس: An analytical Study in the light of Tara’jim Abwab Al-Bukha’ry and Kita’b Al-Hiyal. Al-Duhaa, 3(01), 117–132. https://doi.org/10.51665/al-duhaa.003.01.0189