Al-Duhaa 2025-01-31T03:04:52+00:00 Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">The Journal of “Al-Duhaa” is a multi-disciplinary endeavor dedicated to the scholarly study of various aspects of Islam and the Islamic world. Special attention is paid to works dealing with Islamic Philosophy, mysticism, interfaith dialogue and Islamic culture and civilization. The journal seeks to place Islam and its traditions in the light of spirituality and rationality with its pragmatic and tremendous values and to encourage comprehensive consideration of in many facets: to provide a forum for the study of Islam with special academic inquiry and in global context; to promote interaction among academics from multiple traditions of learning and exchange and discussion of research findings.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">“Al-Duhaa” will provide a vehicle to help academics, researchers, policy makers to educate, influence and share information to learn from each other’s work as well as to provide a research forum to explore new solutions to new rising problems.</p> عمدۃ القاری شرح صحیح البخاری: منہج اور اسلوب کا علمی و تحقیقی جائزہ 2025-01-31T02:43:57+00:00 Ihtesham ul Hassan Usama Sharif Ahmed Abdul Malik <p>The Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) serves as the second primary source of Islamic law, providing fundamental principles of faith and guidance for Muslim life. The preservation and transmission of Hadith began with the Companions (Sahabah) and their successors (Tabi'in), who memorized and conveyed the sayings and actions of the Prophet (SAW). This process was further systematized during the era of the Tabi' Tabi'in and early Islamic scholars, leading to the compilation of Hadith into structured collections.</p> <p>Among these, Sahih al-Bukhari, compiled by Imam Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Bukhari in the 9th century CE, stands as one of the most authentic and esteemed Hadith collections. Recognized by scholars as “the most authentic book after the Book of Allah,” Sahih al-Bukhari has received unparalleled scholarly acceptance. Over the centuries, numerous commentaries have been written to elucidate its meanings, providing deeper insights into its narrations. One of the most distinguished commentaries on Sahih al-Bukhari is Umdat al-Qari by Allama Badruddin al-Aini. This comprehensive work meticulously analyzes and explains the Hadiths, addresses various jurisprudential and theological issues, and offers a unique scholarly approach to their interpretation. This study aims to explore the distinctive features of Umdat al-Qari and examine the methodology employed by Allama al-Aini in his commentary. Through a rigorous academic investigation, this research seeks to provide a detailed analysis of Umdat al-Qari, highlighting its significance in the broader context of Hadith scholarship and Islamic jurisprudence.</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 خطیب بغدادی اور ان کی کتاب’’تاریخِ بغداد‘‘ تعارف ومنہج ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ 2025-01-31T02:48:32+00:00 Zia ullah Muhammad Asif Saad Shakoor <p>The blessed hadiths and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) hold a fundamental position in Islam and Shari'ah, and they are among the essential legal proofs. The esteemed scholars of hadith have made invaluable contributions to preserving and propagating the sayings of the Prophet (ﷺ) through the various sciences of hadith. One of these sciences is the Illm e asma al- rijall (the science of names and biographies of narrators), which is dedicated to recording the history and biographies of the narrators of hadith. This science includes details such as the narrator's birth, name, lineage, homeland, piety, integrity, knowledge, virtue, intelligence, memory, and the strength or weakness of the narrator’s reliability. Scholars of hadith over different periods have authored both extensive and concise works in this field. Initially, brief mentions of the narrators' biographies were recorded in books, but later, scholars and hadith masters paid greater attention to gathering detailed information about the narrators, leading to the writing of numerous works on the subject. One of the most renowned books in this field is "Tarikh Baghdad" by Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (رحمہ اللہ). In this book, Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi provides detailed biographical accounts of the scholars of Baghdad. This work presents an introduction to Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi (رحمہ اللہ), an overview of his famous book, its significance, its methodology, and a discussion of the scholars whose biographies he has included. Below, InshaAllah, a detailed account of Tarikh Baghdad will be provided, keeping in mind the contents and contributions of the book</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 نرسنگ کے شعبے میں حضرت رفیدہ رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنھا کی خدمات :ایک جائزہ 2025-01-31T02:52:25+00:00 Laiba Niazi Hassan Ahmad Shair Muhammad <p>This article offers a detailed exploration of the life and contributions of Hazrat Rufaidah Al-Aslamiyyah (رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنھا), recognized as the first nurse in Islamic history. It examines her early acceptance of Islam, her development of medical and nursing skills, and her pivotal role in providing healthcare during battles and beyond. Hazrat Rufaidah’s efforts extended to all individuals, regardless of faith, reflecting the Islamic principles of compassion and service to humanity. She established a mobile field hospital, trained other women in medical care, and organized healthcare services, setting a precedent for the nursing profession.Her legacy continues to inspire Muslim women and healthcare professionals, serving as a model of empowerment, resilience, and ethical responsibility. This study highlights her contributions to elevate the status of nursing and emphasizes their relevance to contemporary healthcare practices. By bridging historical and modern contexts, the article provides valuable insights for nursing students, educators, and practitioners, while advocating for the recognition of her pioneering role in the global history of nursing.</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 احتکار اور قیمتوں کی روک تھام کا شریعت اسلامی کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ 2025-01-31T02:57:25+00:00 Muhammad Qasim Umar Riffat Bibi Anas Hafiz <p>This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of Islamic perspectives on hoarding and price control, two pivotal issues in economic systems. Hoarding, defined as the deliberate stockpiling of essential goods to create artificial shortages and inflate prices, is unequivocally prohibited in Islam due to its adverse effects on social justice, economic stability, and moral integrity. Grounded in Islamic teachings, particularly Hadith, the prohibition emphasizes the detrimental consequences of hoarding, including its disproportionate impact on the poor, disruption of market equilibrium, and contribution to moral decay. The study further explores the roles of the government, traders, and public awareness in curbing hoarding practices to foster a fair and equitable economic environment.Regarding price control, the paper acknowledges the absence of explicit Islamic rulings on government intervention in setting prices. However, it underscores the necessity of such measures in cases of market distortions, such as hoarding or unfair competition. While price control can offer significant benefits, such as enhancing the affordability of essential goods for vulnerable populations, it may also lead to unintended consequences, including artificial shortages and reduced market efficiency. The paper concludes that while hoarding must be rigorously addressed, the economic system should strive to balance social justice and economic stability. Government intervention, when applied judiciously, can play a critical role in mitigating market disorders and ensuring equitable access to resources. This study contributes to the discourse on Islamic economics by highlighting the ethical and practical dimensions of hoarding and price control, offering insights for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners.</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 عہد نبویﷺ میں سلطنت مدینہ کی خارجہ پالیسی کے اصول :امن،معاہدات اور عالمی تعلقات کی تشکیل 2025-01-31T03:01:33+00:00 Abdul Rafeh Sajid Hussain Abid Rehman <p>The foreign policy of the State of Madinah during the Prophetic Era stands as a remarkable example of ethical governance and strategic diplomacy. Rooted in principles of justice, peace, and mutual respect, it provided a framework for fostering harmonious relations with diverse communities, including Muslims, Jews, Christians, and pagans. Key aspects of this policy included the promotion of peace through dialogue, the establishment of treaties like the Charter of Madinah and the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and the development of diplomatic relations with neighboring tribes and states. These principles not only ensured internal stability but also laid the groundwork for a broader vision of coexistence and mutual cooperation. This article delves into the historical context and practical application of these principles, analyzing how they addressed political and social challenges of the time. Furthermore, it explores the relevance of this prophetic model in addressing modern international conflicts and building a more inclusive global society.</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 عہد نبوی میں خواتین کا پیشہ ورانہ کردار: تجارت سے لے کر عدلیہ تک 2025-01-31T03:04:52+00:00 Sana Khalid Shaista Salahudin Amina Shah Jahan <p>Islam elevated the status of women, granting them significant roles in social, communal, and professional spheres. During the Prophetic era, women were not restricted to domestic responsibilities but actively participated in diverse fields such as trade, medicine, education, and even the judiciary. Hazrat Khadijah (RA), a highly successful and respected merchant of Makkah and the esteemed wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), exemplifies women’s economic independence and entrepreneurial success. Similarly, Hazrat Rufaidah (RA) is celebrated as the first female physician and nurse in Islamic history, providing critical medical care to the wounded during battles and establishing a foundation for healthcare services. Additionally, Hazrat Shifa bint Abdullah (RA) contributed significantly to education and judiciary, showcasing the multifaceted roles women played in early Islamic society. These examples highlight that women’s professional contributions during the Prophetic era were not only acknowledged but also integral to societal development. This period serves as a profound model of gender inclusivity and empowerment, offering valuable lessons for contemporary discussions on women’s roles in Islam. By examining these historical precedents, this study underscores the importance of recognizing and revitalizing women’s contributions in modern contexts, aligning with Islamic principles of justice, equality, and societal progress.</p> 2024-08-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025